
Tax Payments Online

For convenience of tax payments to the IRD, this can be done via online banking right up until the date tax is due. The "pay tax" function is provided by most New Zealand Banks. How to transfer infomation from your tax notice is shown in the image below.

To proceed with online payment, refer to your tax notice and include the following:

  • IRD Number - Purple example below. If you are making multiple payments i.e. for both individuals in a partnership, or for an individual and company tax, these will need to be paid separately and ensure that you use the correct IRD number.
  • Tax Type - Red example below. Use either INC (Income or Provisional Tax) or GST or DED (Employer Deductions). Do not use the GAP code (GST & Provisional) unless you are making both a GST and a provisional tax payment.
  • Tax Period - Green example below. Use either Income Tax (Regardless of your balance date the period will be 31 March followed by year which is stated on your tax notice) or GST and Employer Deductions (Use the period 30 June 2018)

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